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Feeling like the summer was too short? or you were preoccupied  with other things that you didn't have a chance to have an awesome holiday. Well its not  too late because Kenya enjoys a TROPICAL SAVANNAH type of climate where winter lasts for only one month. People from the cooler regions of the world feel like it's summer time all year around when they stay in Kenya. The temperatures in Kenya are warm almost all year round and the Coasts offer, even a warmer environment throughout the year for summer related activities. You can never go wrong on choosing Kenya(East Africa) as your Holiday Destination with this type of climate.

Kenya's weather conditions over the months.

Kenya's climate varies a great deal. Since it is an equatorial country, temperatures within regions vary little during the year but differences between the regions are enormous owing to variations in altitude and other factors.
Temperatures are generally higher from January to March. The rains generally follow a very similar pattern to Tanzania - there are lighter rains in November and heavier rains in April and May. In highland regions you can get rain at any time.
Across low inland regions, weather is hotter and drier than the coast, becoming desert-like towards the northern frontier.
Low humidity makes the high temperatures more tolerable. Highland regions can be cloudy and cool during the rainy season. If you are not sure when to go, please just and we will be happy to discuss it with you.
The ratings we have given below will obviously change depending on exactly where you are in the country but the information we have included here is an approximate guide for the regions we travel to most on our self drive safaris.

Weather conditions guide


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